Prediction tutorial

This page describes how to fit whole genome models with --wg, and how they can be used to predict the phenotype for new samples. This tutorial starts from the same dataset as the GWAS tutorial, which is described at the top of that page.


Presently only the elastic net is implemented, which is the method used in this tutorial. Future methods will include random forests and best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs).

Fitting a whole-genome model

The first step to performing prediction is to a train a model on genetic data with a known phenotype. The trained models in pyseer can also be used for association purposes, as the individual variants associated with the phenotype are reported.

Here we will try and find SNPs which can predict penicillin resistance in S. pneumoniae. It would also be possible to use unitigs by changing --vcf to --kmers. We will use the same data as from the GWAS GWAS tutorial – instructions on how to download this data can be found at the top of that page.

Variants are loaded, the model is fitted and saved. This can all be done in a single step:

pyseer --vcf snps.vcf.gz --phenotypes resistances.pheno --wg enet \
--save-vars output/ma_snps --save-model penicillin.lasso --cpu 4 --alpha 1 > selected.txt

Read 603 phenotypes
Detected binary phenotype
Reading all variants
198248variants [04:46, 691.24variants/s]
Saved enet variants as output/ma_snps.pkl
Applying correlation filtering
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 89703/89703 [00:51<00:00, 1742.25variants/s]
Fitting elastic net to top 67277 variants
[status]    Parallel glmnet cv with 4 cores
Best penalty (lambda) from cross-validation: 2.09E-02
Best model deviance from cross-validation: 0.405 ± 4.57E-02
Best R^2 from cross-validation: 0.822
Finding and printing selected variants
Saved enet model as penicillin.lasso.pkl
198248 loaded variants
130971 filtered variants
67277 tested variants
35 printed variants


You may see warnings about variants with no observations. In this case the VCF has many missing calls causing this, which can be ignored. In other settings this often points to a mismatch between sample labels in the variant and phenotype files.

selected.txt now contains the selected variants in a GWAS-like format:

variant     af      filter-pvalue   lrt-pvalue      beta    notes
26_31771_C_T        3.48E-02        8.06E-02                1.10E-01
26_292628_G_A       3.78E-01        6.12E-94                9.92E-02
26_292653_T_C       6.63E-02        2.95E-16                9.56E-01        bad-chisq

To calculate an adjusted p-value you can add --distances as one would do for GWAS with the SEER fixed effects model, or create a new variant file with just the selected variants, then run pyseer again.

Differences of this approach from the univariate GWAS approach covered in GWAS tutorial:

  • --wg enet fits an elastic net to all variants with --n-folds cross-validation (default 10-fold).

  • --save-vars saves the variants loaded by --vcf in an efficient sparse matrix format, which can be quickly loaded for new model fitting.

  • --save-model saves the fitted model so it can be used for prediction.

  • --cpu uses four cores efficiently during cross-valdation.

--alpha controls the mixing between ridge regression and lasso regression. Above we have used a value of 1, which is lasso regression, selecting just a few variants. We can use a value closer to ridge regression if desired, which will select more variants with smaller effect sizes:

pyseer --vcf snps.vcf.gz --phenotypes resistances.pheno --wg enet \
--load-vars output/ma_snps --save-model penicillin.001 --alpha 0.01 > selected.txt

Read 603 phenotypes
Detected binary phenotype
Reading all variants
Analysing 603 samples found in both phenotype and loaded npy
Applying correlation filtering
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 89703/89703 [01:03<00:00, 1421.87variants/s]
Fitting elastic net to top 67275 variants
Best penalty (lambda) from cross-validation: 8.26E-01
Best model deviance from cross-validation: 0.402 ± 4.45E-02
Best R^2 from cross-validation: 0.815
Finding and printing selected variants
Saved enet model as penicillin.001.pkl
198248 loaded variants
130973 filtered variants
67275 tested variants
3523 printed variants

We can load the variants saved previously which saves a lot of time. The variant file is needed to print the selected variants at the end – this is checked to ensure it is the same as the one originally provided.

Loading the variants can also be used when just a subset of --phenotypes is provided, which is useful for training-test validation.

Accounting for population structure

As the model includes all genetic variants at once, covariance between them from population structure can implicitly be included already. However, it is possible to include an explicit correction for population structure which may improve prediction accuracy in new populations.

This correction is based on providing discrete definitions of lineages/strains. Prepare a file lineages.txt with the following format:

7001_3#17   0
6999_7#9    0
7622_5#50   0
6999_1#2    0
7622_4#1    0
7622_2#40   59
7622_3#86   60
7622_5#61   61


Rare lineages must be represented correctly, i.e. in their own cluster rather than being grouped in a ‘bin’. One method we recommend to do this is PopPUNK. Connecting samples together which are below a certain distance threshold will also work.

If you need to convert from PopPUNK output to this format with the tutorial, you can use the following code:

import csv, re
reader = csv.DictReader(open("poppunk/poppunk_clusters.csv"))
writer = csv.DictWriter(open("lineages.txt", "w"), delimiter=' ', fieldnames=reader.fieldnames)
for row in reader:
    row['Taxon'] = re.match(r'.*/(.*)\.contigs_velvet\.fa', row['Taxon']).group(1)

Now add this to the analysis:

pyseer --vcf snps.vcf.gz --phenotypes resistances.pheno --wg enet \
--load-vars output/ma_snps --lineage-clusters lineages.txt --sequence-reweighting

Read 603 phenotypes
Detected binary phenotype
Reading all variants
Analysing 603 samples found in both phenotype and loaded npy
Applying correlation filtering
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 89703/89703 [00:59<00:00, 1513.70variants/s]
Fitting elastic net to top 67275 variants
Fitting elastic net to top 67275 variants
Best penalty (lambda) from cross-validation: 1.17E+00
Best model deviance from cross-validation: 0.572 ± 8.76E-02
Best R^2 from cross-validation: 0.815
Predictions within each lineage
Lineage     Size    R2      TP      TN      FP      FN
0   96      0.820   35      57      4       0
1   55      0.182   2       48      0       5
8   18      -0.200  0       15      0       3
9   18      1.000   0       18      0       0
Finding and printing selected variants
198248 loaded variants
130973 filtered variants
67275 tested variants
4357 printed variants

Adding --lineage-clusters has two effects. Cross-validation will be performed by leaving one strain out. This will usually take longer as there are more strains than folds, but may help reduce the number of lineage effects included. Also, training predition accuracy for each lineage will be reported, making it easier to see whether there are some parts of the data where the model is performing better. For binary phenotypes \(R^2\) can be difficult to interpret, so true/false positives/negatives are also reported.

Adding --sequence-reweighting has one further effect. Within each lineage, the weight \(w_i\) given to each sample in the loss function

\[\min_{b_0, b}\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N w_i l(y_i, b_0+ b^T x_i)^2+\lambda \left[ (1-\alpha)||b||_2^2/2 + \alpha||b||_1\right]\]

is set by

\[\begin{split}\frac{1}{u_i} = \sum_{j=1}^N [j \in C(i)] \\ w_i = u_i \cdot \frac{N}{\sum_{j=1}^N u_j}\end{split}\]

where \(C(x)\) is the lineage cluster of \(x\).

This sets the weights as being inversely proportional to the size of the cluster, and rescales all weights to sum to \(N\). Without this option \(w_i = 1 \; \forall \; i\).

Using the model to predict phenotype in new samples

The elastic net models can be used to predict phenotypes in new samples. We will first split the samples into training and test sets:

head -500 resistances.pheno > train.pheno
cat <(head -1 resistances.pheno) <(tail -104 resistances.pheno) > test.pheno
cut -f 1 test.pheno | sed '1d' > test.samples


This is a random split of the samples, unlikely to be equivalent to different sample collections made up of different proportions of strains. Accuracy is likely overestimated, but within strain accuracies can be useful.

We will use lasso regression as fewer variants are selected, so if they were uncalled in the test set this should be less of a problem (but is still an important concern). Fit a model to the training set:

pyseer --vcf snps.vcf.gz --phenotypes train.pheno --wg enet \
--load-vars output/ma_snps --alpha 1 --save-model test_lasso --cpu 4 \
--lineage-clusters lineages.txt --sequence-reweighting

Read 499 phenotypes
Detected binary phenotype
Reading all variants
Analysing 499 samples found in both phenotype and loaded npy
Applying correlation filtering
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 89703/89703 [00:56<00:00, 1597.01variants/s]
Fitting elastic net to top 67277 variants
[status]    Parallel glmnet cv with 4 cores
Best penalty (lambda) from cross-validation: 3.38E-02
Best model deviance from cross-validation: 0.605 ± 1.01E-01
Best R^2 from cross-validation: 0.788
Predictions within each lineage
Lineage     Size    R2      TP      TN      FP      FN
0   74      0.753   24      46      4       0
1   41      0.219   2       35      0       4
10  12      1.000   0       12      0       0
11  9       1.000   8       1       0       0
12  8       1.000   8       0       0       0
13  11      1.000   11      0       0       0
14  9       1.000   3       6       0       0
15  9       1.000   0       9       0       0
16  10      1.000   0       10      0       0
17  7       -0.167  0       6       0       1
18  6       1.000   0       6       0       0
19  5       -0.250  0       4       0       1
2   35      1.000   0       35      0       0
20  3       1.000   3       0       0       0
21  6       -0.200  0       5       0       1
22  7       1.000   0       7       0       0
23  6       1.000   0       6       0       0
24  7       -0.167  0       6       0       1
25  7       1.000   0       7       0       0
26  6       -0.200  0       5       0       1
27  5       1.000   0       5       0       0
28  5       1.000   2       3       0       0
29  5       1.000   5       0       0       0
3   36      -0.059  34      0       2       0
30  3       1.000   0       3       0       0
31  4       -0.333  0       3       0       1
32  4       1.000   0       4       0       0
33  3       -0.500  0       2       0       1
34  3       1.000   3       0       0       0
35  3       1.000   0       3       0       0
36  3       1.000   0       3       0       0
37  3       1.000   3       0       0       0
38  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
39  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
4   24      -0.043  23      0       1       0
40  2       1.000   2       0       0       0
41  2       1.000   0       2       0       0
42  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
43  2       1.000   0       2       0       0
44  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
45  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
46  2       1.000   0       2       0       0
47  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
48  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
49  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
5   24      1.000   24      0       0       0
50  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
51  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
52  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
53  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
54  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
55  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
56  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
57  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
58  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
59  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
6   18      -0.059  0       17      0       1
7   18      -0.200  12      3       0       3
8   18      -0.200  0       15      0       3
9   16      1.000   0       16      0       0
Finding and printing selected variants
Saved enet model as test_lasso.pkl
198248 loaded variants
130971 filtered variants
67277 tested variants
32 printed variants

The prediction accuracy is pretty similar across lineages, which is good. As the test set is a similar makeup of lineages hopefully prediction accuracy will be similar.

enet_predict is used to make the predictions:

enet_predict --vcf snps.vcf.gz --lineage-clusters lineages.txt --true-values test.pheno \
test_lasso.pkl test.samples > test_predictions.txt

Reading variants from input
198248variants [00:11, 17657.99variants/s]
Overall prediction accuracy
R2: 0.8668373879641486
tn: 69
fp: 2
fn: 1
tp: 32
Predictions within each lineage
Lineage     Size    R2      TP      TN      FP      FN
0   22      1.000   11      11      0       0
1   14      -0.077  0       13      0       1
10  3       1.000   0       3       0       0
11  5       1.000   2       3       0       0
12  5       -0.250  4       0       1       0
13  1       1.000   1       0       0       0
14  2       1.000   1       1       0       0
15  2       1.000   0       2       0       0
17  2       1.000   0       2       0       0
18  2       1.000   0       2       0       0
19  4       1.000   0       4       0       0
2   11      1.000   0       11      0       0
20  4       -0.333  3       0       1       0
21  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
23  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
26  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
27  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
3   8       1.000   8       0       0       0
30  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
33  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
39  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
4   1       1.000   1       0       0       0
42  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
44  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
45  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
5   1       1.000   1       0       0       0
6   2       1.000   0       2       0       0
60  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
61  1       1.000   0       1       0       0
7   1       1.000   0       1       0       0
9   2       1.000   0       2       0       0

The required options are a variant file, in this case the same --vcf contains calls for the test samples, but this could be a new file, as long as the variant labels match (non-trivial!). test_lasso.pkl is the saved model and test.samples are the names of samples appearing in the variants file to produce predictions for.

Here, providing --true-values is needed to give the prediction accuracies. Providing --lineage-clusters in addition gives the per lineage prediction accuracy. For the reasons noted above, the test accuracy is pretty similar to the training set.

The predictions are in test_predictions.txt:

Sample  Prediction      Link    Probability
7622_3#79       1.0     1.1723387708055686      0.7635674993396665
7622_3#80       1.0     2.828167499490956       0.9441790988402875
7622_3#81       1.0     2.2308130622857987      0.9029826106893201
7622_3#82       0.0     -0.7572524088945985     0.3192430949937001

For a binary phenotype:

  • a 0/1 prediction at --threshold on the probability.

  • Link is the value of the linear sum of the model betas, before entering the logit link function.

  • Probability is a continuous prediction (after taking logit).

Generating consistent unitig calls

It has been mentioned many times above that it is necessary that variant calls match between the inputs of the training and test data. This was ensured above as all variants were called together and merged into a single file. Generally this may not be possible, especially if testing prediction accuracy in a new cohort. If a variant in the model is missing its mean slope value will be used for all samples, which may significantly reduce accuracy.

One way around this issue is to use unitigs. However, sequences which are unitigs in the DBG of one population may not be unitigs in the DBG of a different sample set, even if they are present. So simply running unitig-counter on both training and test datasets will result in many missing calls.

You should instead use unitig-caller to make variant calls in the test population using the same unitigs definitions as in the training population. Full usage and details are given in the, but briefly:

gzip -d -c unitigs.txt.gz | cut -f 1 > queries.txt
unitig-caller --mode simple --strains strain_list.txt --unitigs queries.txt --output calls.txt

Will write a file of sequence elements for the samples in strain_list.txt to calls.txt, which is guaranteed to overlap with the original training set calls, and can therefore be used with enet_predict.