Source code for pyseer.input

# Copyright 2017 Marco Galardini and John Lees

'''Functions to read data into pyseer and iterate over instances'''

import sys
from .utils import set_env
import re
import gzip
# avoid numpy taking up more than one thread
with set_env(MKL_NUM_THREADS='1',
    import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import manifold
from pysam import VariantFile
import hashlib
import binascii

import pyseer.classes as var_obj
from .cmdscale import cmdscale

[docs] def load_phenotypes(infile, column): """Load phenotypes vector Args: infile (str) Matrix input file column (str or None) Phenotype column name or None to pick the last column Returns: p (pandas.Series) Phenotype vector (n, 1) """ p = pd.read_csv(infile, index_col=0, sep='\t') if p.shape[1] < 1: sys.stderr.write('Phenotype file must contain at least one phenotype column\n') sys.exit(1) p.index = p.index.astype(str) if np.any(p.index.duplicated()): sys.stderr.write('Phenotype file contains duplicated sample names\n') sys.exit(1) if column is None: p = p[p.columns[-1]] else: p = p[column] # Remove missing values p = p.dropna() # Check type if not np.issubdtype(p.values.dtype, np.number): sys.stderr.write('Phenotypes must be numeric\n') sys.exit(1) return p
[docs] def load_structure(infile, p, max_dimensions, mds_type="classic", n_cpus=1, seed=None): """Load population structure and apply multidimensional scaling Args: infile (str) Population structure (distance matrix) input file p (pandas.Series) Phenotype vector (n, 1) max_dimensions (int) Maximum dimensions to consider when applying `metric` or `non-metric` MDS mds_type (str) MDS algorithm to apply. One of `classic`, `metric` or `non-metric`. Any other input will trigger the `metric` MDS n_cpus (int) Number of CPUs to be used for the `metric` or `non-metric` MDS seed (int or None) Random seed for `metric` or `non-metric` MDS, None if not required Returns: m (pandas.DataFrame) Population structure after MDS (n, m) """ m = pd.read_csv(infile, index_col=0, sep='\t') m.index = m.index.astype(str) if np.any(m.index.duplicated()): sys.stderr.write('Structure file contains duplicated sample names\n') sys.exit(1) sys.stderr.write("Structure matrix has dimension " + str(m.shape) + "\n") # Also take intersection here, so that MDS isn't done using samples not present # in sample intersecting_samples = p.index.intersection(m.index).intersection(m.columns) m = m.loc[intersecting_samples, intersecting_samples] if len(intersecting_samples) == 0: sys.stderr.write('None of the phenotyped samples were found in ' + 'population structure matrix\n') sys.exit(1) # MDS if mds_type == "classic": projection, evals = cmdscale(m) else: metric_mds = True if mds_type == "non-metric": metric_mds = False elif mds_type != "metric": sys.stderr.write("Unsupported mds type chosen. Assuming metric\n") mds = manifold.MDS(n_components=max_dimensions, metric=metric_mds, n_jobs=n_cpus, dissimilarity='precomputed', random_state=seed) projection = mds.fit_transform(m.values) m = pd.DataFrame(projection, index=m.index) for i in range(m.shape[1]): m[i] = m[i] / max(abs(m[i])) return m
[docs] def load_lineage(infile, p): """Load custom lineage clusters definitions Args: infile (str) Input file for lineage clusters p (pandas.Series) Phenotypes vector (n, 1) Returns: result (tuple of (numpy.array, list)) Lineage binary matrix and cluster labels """ lin = pd.Series([x.rstrip().split()[1] for x in open(infile)], index=[x.split()[0] for x in open(infile)]) lin.index = lin.index.astype(str) if np.any(lin.index.duplicated()): lin = lin.loc[~lin.index.duplicated()] # tilde is unary inversion if (len(p.index.difference(lin.index)) > 0): sys.stderr.write("All samples with a phenotype must be present in lineage file\n") sys.exit(1) else: lin = lin.loc[p.index.intersection(lin.index)] lineages = sorted(set(lin.values)) lineage_design_mat = [] lineage_assign = [] for categ in lineages: lineage_design_mat.append(pd.Series([1 if x == categ else 0 for x in lin.values], index=lin.index)) lineage_assign.append(categ) lineage_design_mat = pd.concat(lineage_design_mat, axis=1) assert(np.all(lineage_design_mat.index == p.index)) return(lineage_design_mat.values, lineage_assign)
[docs] def load_covariates(infile, covariates, p): """Load and encode a covariates matrix Args: infile (str) Input file for the covariates matrix covariates (iterable or None) List of string indicating which columns to use and their interpretation. Example: `2q` indicates that the second column from the file is a quantitative variable, `2` indicates that that same column is categorical. If None, the matrix is loaded but nothing is done with it. p (pandas.Series) Phenotypes vector (n, 1) Returns: cov (pandas.DataFrame) Covariance matrix (n, m) """ c = pd.read_csv(infile, index_col=0, header=0, sep='\t') c.index = c.index.astype(str) if np.any(c.index.duplicated()): sys.stderr.write('Covariate file contains duplicated sample names\n') sys.exit(1) if (len(p.index.difference(c.index)) > 0): sys.stderr.write("All samples with a phenotype must be present in covariate file\n") sys.exit(1) else: c = c.loc[p.index.intersection(c.index)] # which covariates to use? if covariates is None: cov = pd.DataFrame([]) else: cov = [] for col in covariates: cnum = int(col.rstrip('q')) if cnum == 1 or cnum > c.shape[1] + 1: sys.stderr.write('Covariates columns values should be ' '> 1 and less than or equal to total number of ' + 'columns (%d)\n' % (c.shape[1] + 1)) return None if col[-1] == 'q': # quantitative cov.append(c.iloc[:,cnum-2]) else: # categorical, dummy-encode it categories = set(c.iloc[:,cnum-2]) categories.pop() for i, categ in enumerate(categories): cov.append(pd.Series([1 if x == categ else 0 for x in c.iloc[:,cnum-2].values], index=c.index, name=c.columns[cnum-2] + "_" + str(i))) if len(cov) > 0: cov = pd.concat(cov, axis=1) else: cov = pd.DataFrame([]) return cov
[docs] def load_burden(infile, burden_regions): """Load burden regions for VCF analysis Args: infile (str) Input file for burden regions burden_regions (list) List to be filled in-place """ with open(infile, "r") as region_file: for line in region_file: name, regions = line.rstrip().split() region = (name, []) for section in regions.split(','): region[1].append(section) burden_regions.append(region)
[docs] def open_variant_file(var_type, var_file, burden_file, burden_regions, uncompressed): """Open a variant file for use as an iterable Args: var_type (str) Type of variants file (kmers, vcf, Rtab) var_file (str) Location of file burden_file (str) File containing regions to group burden tests burden_regions (list) List of burden regions to be filled in-place uncompressed (bool) True if kmer file is not gzipped """ sample_order = [] if var_type == "kmers": if uncompressed: infile = open(var_file) else: infile =, 'r') elif var_type == "vcf": infile = VariantFile(var_file) if burden_file: load_burden(burden_file, burden_regions) else: # Rtab files have a header, rather than sample names accessible by row infile = open(var_file) header = infile.readline().rstrip() sample_order = [str(x) for x in header.split()[1:]] return infile, sample_order
[docs] def read_variant(infile, p, var_type, burden, burden_regions, uncompressed, all_strains, sample_order, keep_list = None, noparse = False): """Read input line and parse depending on input file type Return a variant name and pres/abs vector Args: infile (opened file) Handle to opened variant file p (pandas.Series) Phenotypes vector (n, 1) var_type (str) Variants type (one of: kmers, vcf or Rtab) burden (bool) Whether to slice a vcf file by burden regions burden_regions (collections.deque) Burden regions to slice the vcf with uncompressed (bool) Whether the kmers file is uncompressed all_strains (set-like) All sample labels that should be present sample_order Samples order to interpret each Rtab line keep_list (dict) Variant names to properly read, any other will return None (default = None) noparse (bool) Set True to skip line without parsing and return None, irrespective of presence in skip_list (default = False) Returns: eof (bool) Whether we are at the end of the file k (numpy.array) Variant presence/absence vector var_name (str) Variant name kstrains (list) Samples in which the variant is present nkstrains (list) Samples in which the variant is absent af (float) Allele frequency missing (float) Missing frequency """ if var_type not in {'kmers', 'vcf', 'Rtab'}: raise ValueError('Variants type not supported') if var_type == "vcf": # burden tests read through regions and slice vcf if burden: if len(burden_regions) > 0: line_in = burden_regions.popleft() else: # Last; to raise exception on next loop line_in = None # read single vcf line else: try: line_in = next(infile) except StopIteration: line_in = None else: # kmers and Rtab plain text files line_in = infile.readline() if not line_in or noparse: eof = True return(eof, None, None, None, None, None, None) else: eof = False d = {} if var_type == "kmers": if not uncompressed: line_in = line_in.decode() var_name, strains = (line_in.split()[0], line_in.rstrip().split( '|')[1].lstrip().split()) if keep_list != None and var_name not in keep_list: return(eof, None, None, None, None, None, None) else: d = {str(x.split(':')[0]): 1 for x in strains} elif var_type == "vcf": if not burden: var_name = read_vcf_var(line_in, d, keep_list) if var_name is None: return (eof, None, None, None, None, None, None) else: # burden test. Regions are named contig:start-end. # Start is non-inclusive, so start one before to include (var_name, regions) = line_in for region in regions: region = re.match('^(.+):(\d+)-(\d+)$', region) if region: # Adds presence to d for every variant # observation in region for variant in infile.fetch(, int( - 1, int( var_sub_name = read_vcf_var(variant, d, keep_list) else: # stop trying to make 'fetch' happen sys.stderr.write("Could not parse region %s\n" % str(region)) return (eof, None, None, None, None, None, None) elif var_type == "Rtab": try: split_line = line_in.rstrip().split('\t') except TypeError: # python3 unicode corner case split_line = line_in.decode().rstrip().split('\t') var_name, strains = split_line[0], split_line[1:] if keep_list != None and var_name not in keep_list: return (eof, None, None, None, None, None, None) # sanity check if len(strains) == 0: raise ValueError('No sample data found; is this a Rtab file?') # sanity check if len(strains) != len(sample_order): raise ValueError('Unexpected mismatch between header and data row') for present, sample in zip(strains, sample_order): # sanity check if present not in {'0', '1', '.', ''}: raise ValueError('Rtab file not binary') if present == '1': d[sample] = 1 elif present == "." or present == "": d[sample] = np.nan # Use common dictionary to format design matrix etc kstrains = sorted(set(d.keys()).intersection(all_strains)) # This will include missing nkstrains = sorted(all_strains.difference(set(kstrains))) # default for missing samples is absent kmer for x in nkstrains: d[x] = 0 af = float(len(kstrains)) / len(all_strains) if len(kstrains) == 0: sys.stderr.write("No observations of " + var_name + " in selected samples\n") k = np.array([d[x] for x in p.index if x in d]) missing = float(np.sum(np.isnan(k))) / len(all_strains) return (eof, k, var_name, kstrains, nkstrains, af, missing)
[docs] def read_vcf_var(variant, d, keep_list = None): """Parses vcf variants from pysam Returns None if filtered variant. Mutates passed dictionary d Args: variant (pysam.libcbcf.VariantRecord) Variant to be parsed d (dict) Dictionary to be populated in-place keep_list (list) List of variants to read """ var_name = "_".join([variant.contig, str(variant.pos)] + [str(allele) for allele in variant.alleles]) if keep_list == None or var_name in keep_list: # Do not support multiple alleles. Use 'bcftools norm' to split these if variant.alts != None and len(variant.alts) > 1: sys.stderr.write("Multiple alleles at %s_%s. Skipping\n" % (variant.contig, str(variant.pos))) var_name = None elif len(variant.filter.keys()) > 0 and "PASS" not in variant.filter.keys(): var_name = None else: for sample, call in variant.samples.items(): # This is dominant encoding. Any instance of '1' will count as present # Could change to additive, summing instances, or reccessive only counting # when all instances are 1. # Shouldn't matter for bacteria, but some people call hets for haplotype in call.get('GT', [None]): # if sample already present in dictionary do not overwrite # important for burden testing if (haplotype is None or str(haplotype) == ".") and sample not in d: d[sample] = np.nan elif haplotype is not None and haplotype != 0 and str(haplotype) != ".": d[sample] = 1 break # if sample already present as missing and haplotype is '0' # then remove elif sample in d and np.isnan(d[sample]) and str(haplotype) != '.': del d[sample] else: var_name = None return(var_name)
[docs] def iter_variants(p, m, cov, var_type, burden, burden_regions, infile, all_strains, sample_order, lineage_effects, lineage_clusters, min_af, max_af, max_missing, filter_pvalue, lrt_pvalue, null_fit, firth_null, uncompressed, continuous): """Make an iterable to pass single variants to fixed effects regression Args: p (pandas.DataFrame) Phenotype vector (n, 1) m (numpy.array) Population structure matrix (n, k) cov (pandas.DataFrame) Covariates matrix (n, m) var_type (str) Variants type (one of: kmers, vcf or Rtab) burden (bool) Whether to slice a vcf file by burden regions burden_regions (collections.deque) Burden regions to slice the vcf with infile (opened file) Handle to opened variant file all_strains (set-like) All sample labels that should be present sample_order Sampes order to interpret each Rtab line lineage_effects (bool) Whether to fit lineage effects lineage clusters (list) Lineage clusters indexes min_af (float) Minimum allele frequency (inclusive) max_af (float) maximum allele frequency (inclusive) max_missing (float) maximum missing frequency filter_pvalue (float) Pre-filtering p-value threshold lrt_pvalue (float) Filtering p-value threshold null_fit (float or statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrapper) Null-fit likelihood (binary) or model (continuous) firth_null (float) Firth regression likelihood uncompressed (bool) Whether the kmers file is uncompressed continuous (bool) Whether the phenotype is continuous or not Returns: var_name (str) Variant name v (numpy.array) Phenotypes vector (n, 1) k (numpy.array) Variant presence/absence vector (n, 1) m (numpy.array) Population structure matrix (n, k) c (numpy.array) Covariates matrix (n, m) af (float) Allele frequency pattern (bytes) Variant hash lineage_effects (bool) Whether to fit lineage effects lineage clusters (list) Lineage clusters indexes filter_pvalue (float) Pre-filtering p-value threshold lrt_pvalue (float) Filtering p-value threshold null_fit (float or statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrapper) Null-fit likelihood (binary) or model (continuous) firth_null (float) Firth regression likelihood kstrains (iterable) Sample labels with the variant nkstrains (iterable) Sample labels without the variant continuous (bool) Whether the phenotype is continuous or not """ while True: eof, k, var_name, kstrains, nkstrains, af, missing = read_variant(infile, p, var_type, burden, burden_regions, uncompressed, all_strains, sample_order) # check for EOF if eof: return v = p.values c = cov.values if k is not None: pattern = hash_pattern(k) else: pattern = None if (k is None) or not (min_af <= af <= max_af) or (missing > max_missing): # TODO: currently the way to know if a variant was # af filtered is to check that phenotypes vector is None # a more robust way could be better yield (var_name, None, k, m, c, af, pattern, lineage_effects, lineage_clusters, filter_pvalue, lrt_pvalue, null_fit, firth_null, kstrains, nkstrains, continuous) else: yield (var_name, v, k, m, c, af, pattern, lineage_effects, lineage_clusters, filter_pvalue, lrt_pvalue, null_fit, firth_null, kstrains, nkstrains, continuous)
[docs] def iter_variants_lmm(variant_iter, lmm, h2, lineage, lineage_clusters, covariates, continuous, filter_pvalue, lrt_pvalue): """Make an iterable to pass single variants to fixed effects regression""" for variants, variant_mat, eof in variant_iter: if len(variants) == 0: break yield (lmm, h2, variants, variant_mat, lineage, lineage_clusters, covariates, continuous, filter_pvalue, lrt_pvalue) if eof: break
# Loads a block of variants into memory for use with LMM
[docs] def load_var_block(var_type, p, burden, burden_regions, infile, all_strains, sample_order, min_af, max_af, max_missing, uncompressed, block_size): """Make in iterable to load blocks of variants for LMM Args: var_type (str) Variants type (one of: kmers, vcf or Rtab) p (pandas.DataFrame) Phenotype vector (n, 1) burden (bool) Whether to slice a vcf file by burden regions burden_regions (collections.deque) Burden regions to slice the vcf with infile (opened file) Handle to opened variant file all_strains (set-like) All sample labels that should be present sample_order Sampes order to interpret each Rtab line min_af (float) Minimum allele frequency (inclusive) max_af (float) maximum allele frequency (inclusive) max_missing (float) maximum missing frequency uncompressed (bool) Whether the kmers file is uncompressed block_size (int) How many variants to be loaded at once Returns: variants (iterable) A collection of pyseer.classes.LMM objects describing the loaded variants (n,) variant_mat (numpy.array) Variant bloack presence/absence matrix (n, block_size) eof (bool) Whether we are at the end of the file """ while True: variants = [] # pre-allocation of memory variant_mat = np.zeros((len(p), block_size)) for var_idx in range(block_size): eof, k, var_name, kstrains, nkstrains, af, missing = read_variant( infile, p, var_type, burden, burden_regions, uncompressed, all_strains, sample_order) # check for EOF if eof: break if k is None or af < min_af or af > max_af or missing > max_missing: pattern = None else: pattern = hash_pattern(k) variant_mat[:, var_idx] = k variants.append((var_obj.LMM(var_name, pattern, af, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, kstrains, nkstrains, set(), True, True), p.values, k)) yield (variants, variant_mat, eof) if eof: break yield None, None, True
[docs] def hash_pattern(k): """Calculates the hash of a presence/absence vector Args: k (numpy.array) Variant presence/absence binary vector (n, 1) Returns: hash (byte) Hashed pattern """ pattern = k.view(np.uint8) hashed = hashlib.md5(pattern) return (binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest()))
[docs] def file_hash(filename): """Calculates the hash of an entire file on disk Args: filename (str) Location of file on disk Returns: hash (str) SHA256 checksum """ hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_sha256.update(chunk) return hash_sha256.hexdigest()